Promotes vocations by
- Sponsoring annual essay contests for 6th and 10th graders
- Funding annual poster of seminarians for display in every church and school
- Encouraging prayers for vocations with The Vocation Chalice Program
- Assisting the Archdiocesan Vocation Director
- Assisting religious communities to promote vocations
- Promoting National Vocation Awareness Week
Affirms existing vocations by
- Inviting priests, religious, and seminarians to attend Serra/Cardinals baseball game
- Sending birthday and ordination anniversary cards to priests and deacons
- Inviting priests, deacons and religious to share their vocation journeys at our meetings
Commits to praying for vocations and members’ spiritual growth by
- Reciting the Serran prayers daily
- Praying the Rosary or celebrating Mass at meetings
- Organizing and encouraging Priesthood Sunday activities
- Sponsoring annual Day of Recollection
- Celebrating a Christmas Mass and dinner with the Archbishop
Supports our seminarians by
- Providing financial support to those in need
- Praying daily for each seminarian assigned to a Serran member
- Attending Mass and enjoying breakfast with seminarians on First Fridays
- Sending birthday cards to seminarians
- Giving a “welcome back” school bag at the beginning of each semester
Supports Kenrick-Glennon Seminary by
- Sending appreciation cards to faculty, administration and staff
- Sponsoring the annual Convivium Dinner Auction
Special activities
- Vocation Celebration Dinner and Dance
- Christmas Mass and dinner with the Archbishop
- Serran officer induction Mass and dinner
Funding Opportunities
- Archbishop Open House
- Annual golf tournament
- Hoflich Fund named for our late chaplain Monsignor James E. Hoflich