Serra Night at the Ballpark
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Busch Stadium
St. Louis Cardinals vs Pittsburgh Pirates
Thanks to the Serra Club of St. Louis, Cardinals baseball tickets will be given to priests, seminarians and staff, nuns, deacons and spouses of the St. Louis Archdiocese for the game against the Pirates. The night at the ballpark makes an impression on people attending the game and is seen as an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work. Cardinal fans see that the ordained, consecrated religious, and those studying to be priests or religious are real people. Serra Club members and their families are invited to join us.
The above picture is from the September 19, 2023 game when the Cardinals hosted the Milwaukee Brewers. While the home team didn’t win the game, a good time was still had by all.
From left to right in the picture, Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski, Monsignor Henry Breier, Jim Miller (President of the Serra Club), Gracemarie Miller, Norm and Linda Ritter (parents of Fr. Tony), and Father Tony Ritter. Father Ritter threw a perfect strike for the ceremonial “first pitch.”