Seminarians, Serrans and Others Praying at Kenrick-Glennon’s Saint Joseph Chapel
The Serra Club of St. Louis
Promotes Vocations By
- Sponsoring annual essay contests for 6th and 10th graders
- Funding annual poster of seminarians for display in every church and school
- Encouraging prayers for vocations with The Vocation Chalice Program
- Assisting the Archdiocesan Vocation Director
- Assisting religious communities to promote vocations
- Promoting National Vocation Awareness Week
Affirms Existing Vocations By
- Inviting priests, religious, and seminarians to attend Serra/Cardinals baseball game
- Sending birthday and ordination anniversary cards to priests and deacons
- Inviting priests, deacons and religious to share their vocation journeys at our meetings
Commits To Praying For Vocations and Members’ Spiritual Growth By
- Reciting the Serran prayers daily
- Praying the Rosary or celebrating Mass at meetings
- Organizing and encouraging Priesthood Sunday activities
- Sponsoring annual Day of Recollection
- Celebrating a Christmas Mass and dinner with the Archbishop
Supports Our Seminarians By
- Providing financial support to those in need
- Praying daily for each seminarian assigned to a Serran member
- Attending Mass and enjoying breakfast with seminarians on First Fridays
- Sending birthday cards to seminarians
- Giving a “welcome back” school bag at the beginning of each semester
Supports Kenrick-Glennon Seminary By
- Sending appreciation cards to faculty, administration and staff
- Sponsoring the annual Convivium Dinner Auction
Special activities
- Vocation Celebration Dinner and Dance
- Christmas Mass and dinner with the Archbishop
- Serran officer induction Mass and dinner
Funding Opportunities
- Archbishop Open House
- Annual golf tournament
- Hoflich Fund named for our late chaplain Monsignor James E. Hoflich
Membership Benefits
Membership is to be accepted with serious reflection and dedication to the work of Serra in promoting vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Members experience spiritual growth and fellowship.
Members take to heart Luke chapter 10 verse 2; “The harvest is abundant, but the labors are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”
If interested in membership provide name, street address, phone number and email address:
- Contact a Serran
- Mail to:
Serra Club of St. Louis
5200 Glennon Drive
St. Louis, MO 63119
- Call the vocation office at (314) 792-6465
- Send an email to stlouismo@serrainternational.org