Middle schoolers from Catholic schools explore what it means to have a vocation at The Summit
The Serra Club of St. Louis:
Promotes Vocations
Affirms Existing Vocations
Commits to Praying for Vocations and Member’s Spiritual Growth
Supports Our Seminarians
Supports Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
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Special Events

21 Feb 2025
St. Louis Serra Club Trivia Night
Join us for a trivia night to benefit the Serra Club of St. Louis. Help promote vocatin to the priesthood and religious life!

12 May 2025
St. Louis Serra Club Golf Tournament
The annual golf tournament and dinner auction began in 1986 as a golf outing for priests and Serrans. It was formerly known as the “Beat the Bishop” tournament. Archbishop May was a vey good golfer and it became a challenge to best his score on the course.

Our Leadership
All the good that we do is dependent on willing leaders and volunteers. We are grateful for their service!
Maureen Ahrens
President Elect
John Gorman
VP Programs
Mary Alice Helmsing
VP Vocations
Barb Hussey
VP Communications
Adam Wright
VP Membership
Dan Dykas
Karen Zak
Joseph Racher Jr.
Robert Ahrens
Maria Eberle
Tony Nowak
Mike Vickery
Past President Trustees of the Club and Hoflich Fund
Jim Miller
Suzanne Smith
Paul Goldak
District Governor
Marvin Winkeler
Newsletter Editor
Elise Rich
Gracemarie Miller

St. Junipero Serra
Our Patron Saint
St. Serra’s devotion to God, preaching the gospel, as well as his zeal for evangelization, is what defined his sainthood and makes him the ideal patron Saint for priests and religious.

We are officially recognized by the Holy See
The Vatican recognizes Serra International as the only global lay apostolate for vocations in the Catholic Church. Serra Club of St. Louis is an affiliate of Serra International.

Discover God’s plan for your life.
When you pray, you’re not just saying words. You’re also learning how to listen to the Lord’s voice. When we seek a relationship with God, we’re learning to desire His will.